The Back Gate Villager – June 2014

June 1, 2014 If you have not been to the clubhouse recently, I suggest you drop by and see what a small group of volunteers have done in landscaping there. We now have a showcase, of which even Mother...

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June 1, 2014 / Comments (0)

The Back Gate Villager – May 2014

May 1, 2014 Other than the wind lately, we are having a beautiful spring. The lawns, trees and grounds have never looked better and just walking around our property makes me feel good, hopefully you...

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May 1, 2014 / Comments (0)

The Back Gate Villager – April 2014

April 1, 2014 At last, our somewhat predictable spring snow has arrived, so summer must be on the way. March has been an interesting month what with, emails, correspondence, telephone calls, and messages...

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April 1, 2014 / Comments (0)

The Back Gate Villager – March 2014

March 1, 2014 Cannot believe we are already in March and I am still cleaning up from 2013. Obviously readying taxes but as a consummate procrastinator (which my wife thinks is a man thing) there are a...

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March 1, 2014 / Comments (0)

The Back Gate Villager – February 2014

February 1, 2014 Super Bowl proved a disappointing event, unless you just moved here from Seattle? How about whether it is cold enough followed by the groundhog seeing his shadow so, six more weeks of this?...

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February 1, 2014 / Comments (0)

The Back Gate Villager – January 2014

January 1, 2014 Well another new year has arrived and it is always a good time to set some resolutions for losing weight, getting more exercise, or whatever other changes each of us wish to make for a...

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January 1, 2014 / Comments (0)

Board Meeting Archive – 2013

December 31, 2013 2013 Annual Meeting Agenda Meeting Minutes December 2013 Agenda Meeting Minutes November 2013 Agenda Meeting Minutes October 2013 Agenda Meeting Minutes September 2013 Agenda Meeting...

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December 31, 2013 / Comments (0)

The Back Gate Villager – December 2013

December 1, 2013 It seems early to be wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year already, but with our experiencing ‘winter’ this past week, it is indeed appropriate. Thanks to everyone who...

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December 1, 2013 / Comments (0)

The Back Gate Villager – November 2013

November 1, 2013 With darkness now earlier, we all need to leave our outside lighting on, as matter of security. It also adds a sense of warmth to our community. We continue to recommend the installation of...

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November 1, 2013 / Comments (0)

The Back Gate Villager – October 2013

October 1, 2013 No one can ever predict weather in Colorado, so a small snow storm and freezing temperatures happens as early as October 4th. I have come to expect snow for Halloween? Good news is that we...

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October 1, 2013 / Comments (0)