August 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

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Board Meetings

August 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

The regular meeting of the Knolls Village Townhome Association Board of Directors was held on Tuesday, August 06 at 6.30pm. Present were board members Darcy Johnson, Margie Nowick, Tom Zukas, Anne Waite Yvonne Anderson and Scott Ward. Scott Ward recorded the proceedings. Board member Phil Andrews was absent.

The August Board Meeting Minutes were moved to be accepted by Darcy Johnson and seconded by Margie Nowick. The measure passed unanimously.

A motion was made by Darcy Johnson, seconded by Tom Zukas to approve the June Financial Reports. The motion passed.

Scott Ward delivered the treasurer’s report inclusive of current paint and reserve

Balances and the balance of the operational checking and savings accounts. The total of all accounts is well over the $250,000 FDIC insured limit. A discussion of keeping an account or accounts at other institutions to bring the FirstBank KVTA entity total nearer or below the limit was discussed. More research is required on the topic.

Committee Reports

Technology – Open Position

Anne Waite reported some trouble when logged into the Dreamhost platform. Assistance is needed in the form of a web master with expertise to implement permissions, e-mails, web pages and the like. A search for a web master will begin.

Special Events Hospitality – Open Position

Scott Ward shared with the Board photos of novelty treats for sale at Costco. A plan was implemented to purchase, store and distribute novelty items at the pool on Labor Day 02 September.

Clubhouse – Marilyn Heinle

No report filed.

Swimming Pool – Hours of operation 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM (9-10 Adult Only) to begin on 19 August.

It was discussed and if found feasible a plan to delay closing the pool after Labor Day 2024. A mitigating factor would be the availability of pool monitors. Warren will discuss the option with the present pool monitors.

Tennis / Pickleball – Open

Position is open.

Architectural Control – Anita Zukas

Tom Zukas advised that John Bringenberg has stepped into the position of Committee Chair.  Anita Zukas is sharing with John the forms, logging of issues, and other duties of the position. The next committee meeting is 28 August 2024 at the Clubhouse at 6:30 PM.

Community Gardens – Reece and Kim

No Report Given

Newsletter – Nan

The latest edition of the Newsletter was distributed on 01 August.


Warren Deutsch advised in an e-mail earlier today the tasks that were performed during the month of July 2024.

The Snow Removal contract with Cox Professional Landscape was approved unanimously by the Board.

A lengthy discussion of pavement replacement and concrete walkways and driveway drain pans followed.

Warren recommended the driveway at 2608 – 2698 East Geddes Place for removal and replacement by Metro Pavers. An additional driveway at 2500 – 2548 East Geddes Place was also recommended for removal and replacement. The concrete apron and drain pan on the driveway at 2608 – 2698 East Geddes Place was recommended for removal and replacement.

The cost of the Metro Pavers removal and replacement for both driveways came to $74,248.58. The cost of concrete aprons on a driveway is approximately $20,000 per side. Quality Rock Designs has submitted a bid for sidewalk replacement at a cost of $24,450

It was moved by Yvonne Anderson and seconded by Scott Ward that a total of $161,000 in capital improvement monies be set aside for the above asphalt and concrete projects listed above.

It was moved by Darcy Johnson and seconded by Anne Waite that $7,100 is allocated for pavement crack fill. The approval was unanimous.

Tennis Court crack fill scheduled for the end of June has yet to be scheduled. There has been no contact from Altitude Athletic Surfaces. The matter of Tennis Court Crack Fill has been tabled.

Rowdy Roddy Painting has only minor touch-up to be completed.

Homeowners Forum

Homeowners in Attendance: Sharyl Whitaker, Ann Kingery and Ken Nowick, husband of Board member Margie Nowick

Ann Kingery – Ann passed to each Board member a three page list of questions and suggestions to be discussed at the next Board Meeting in September.

Old Business

Lumen Easement – the check for damages has been received and deposited.

Technology Plan – there was a discussion that going forward the Board will need a professional web master to implement changes and updates on our web site.

New Business

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.

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