Tuesday Feb 4 – 630pm-830pm – Homeowners Meeting & Board Meeting
KVTA Clubhouse
631pm – Meeting Called to order by Anne Waite.
Parking: Three vehicle owners were contacted regarding “stored vehicles”. All
responded that the vehicles would be either put into service or moved. One has been
Minutes of Previous Meeting Approval
a. The minutes of the November Board Meeting were approved
i. Moved: Chrissy Krumholz, Second: Tom Zukas. Motion
b. The minutes of the December Board Meeting were approved
i. Moved: Yvonne Anderson, Second: Tom Zukas. Motion
c. The minutes of the me January Board Meeting were approved.
i. Moved: Phil Andrews, Second: Tom Zukas. Motion Carried.
Delinquency Report.
a. One account was proposed to move to the collections process.
i. Moved: Tom Zukas, Second: Yvonne Anderson. Motion
Financial Review & Treasurer’s Report – Yvonne Anderson, Treasurer.
Paint Reserve sufficiently covers the 2025 expenses planned for paint per the
Ms. Anderson walked through the 2024 financial results, which showed a
marginal loss for the Association, however members equity (net assets) currently
floats at a significant positive number.
Ms. Anderson, following the below Reserve Study discussion, also outlined the
net for budget revision once the Board fully understands the needs based upon a
revised Reserve study.
a. Reserve Study
i. Board Approval for new Reserve Study at a total cost of $2100
Moved: Anne Waite, Second: Phil Andrews. Motion
Reserve Study for HOAs ought to take place every 4-5 years, Ms. Anderson
explained how a reserve study is going to work, and what it is likely to need to cost in
the mid to long term. Ms. Anderson highlighted that such a study acts as a checklist for
planned maintenance and capital project items, and gives a guide to what depreciation
should look like for each. A reserve study gives you an outline but not necessarily the
detail of what needs to be done because it is a document and not a physical analysis of
the Association complex. Reserve study allows KVTA to compare staff
recommendations to what a reserve study may have predicted. The current reserve
study is now out-of-date having been drafted in 2021.
Explained the need to deep dive into the budget to align with what we need to do.
b. The December Financial Report was approved.
i. Moved: Yvonne Anderson, Second: Phil Andrews. Motion
Committee Reports:
a. Technology – Open / Web Master Company
i. Website – We will be ending our contract with our current carrier,
and are interviewing companies. The board has identified a new
supplier and is finalizing the contracts.
b. Special Events & Hospitality
i. No Report. A new volunteer is sought for this role.
c. Clubhouse – Marilyn Heinle
i. Given on behalf of Cathy Kurtz and Marilyn Heinle by Chrissy
Krumholz – she will be able to do the Clubhouse through May.
Marilyn can do April, May and June. A new volunteer is sought post
d. Tennis & Pickleball
i. Jennifer Stokes talked through the City of Centennial’s Pickleball
exemption since we have Pickleball before the 2023 ordinance. You
can replace like for like replacement, but you cannot move the lines
of the Pickleball Court. In practical terms it means we can have 1
court but it is West.
e. Architectural Control – John Bringenberg
i. John Bringenberg was present, and talked through the current ACC
requests and issues. The ACC found a total of 213 Total Issues
which vary in level of issue. 114 were discussed and closed, 12
referred to maintenance, 23 resulted in advisory letters, and 64 in
Out of Compliance letters. None required further escalation. John
explained the transition process from Antia Zukas to himself. 2025
has started well, with only 2 issues thus far.
f. Community Gardens – Reece & Kim
i. Verbal update given by Reece & Kim – Historically there have been
folks who have had 2 plots. There was a rule at one point in time
where there was 1 plot per person. The reason that went away is
that there were spare plots. It was proposed to start with 1 plot, and
then allocate back a 2nd plot if any are available. Reece & Kim will
re-write guidelines to include plot allocation and the clean up
timeline per agreement with South Suburban Parks and Recreation.
Reece and Kim stated they are happy to continue.
g. Newsletter – Nan Matthews
i. No Update.
Major Projects
a. No update this time.
Maintenance & Grounds Report.
a. Ms. Anderson walked through her work which comparing the work
recommended by Warren to the study items in 2025, and comparing the
i. Mr. Deutsch to work through and come back with opinions on the
comparison between the two.
b. See Maintenance Report (Appendix A) from Warren Deutsch. Other items
i. Sewer Map was produced showing the sewer complex which
anwas effort made by Mr. Deutsch to map out the Sewers across
KVTA in preparation for Sewer cleaning.
ii. Board to consider if the swimming operation should be in-house or
contracted out and report back to staff as soon as possible.
iii. Ms. Krumholz asked about cones around the complex. Warren
explained the backflow prevention devices are labeled by the cones
which will be replaced in the Spring, or are otherwise labeling a job
that needs to be completed around the complex.
iv. Water Consumption was discussed and letters have been sent to
areas with over double the water consumption. A discussion was
held about potential next steps if the water consumption is not
Homeowners’ Open Forum – Homeowners (3 minutes per Homeowner)
a. Anne Winterbottom – When does the CD mature held for the Associations’
primary reserve. Ms Anderson answered March due to the attractive
interest rate.
b. Anne McHugh – Had to go, Jennifer Stokes on her behalf reported that the
grass has eroded close to her house on the south side, so wondered if
something could be done to address it or it be replaced. Mr. Deutsch and
team to look at it.
c. Jennifer Stokes – Removed the Iris bed near the mailbox, having put it in 9
years ago. Reported there is now Mint in there, and requested if grass
could be put in. Mr. Deutsch and team to look at it.
Meeting Adjourned – 809pm.
Motion to Adjourn: Moved: Jennifer Stokes, Second: Chrissy Krumholz . Motion
Appendix A: Maintenance Report
The following work was done by K.V.T.A. maintenance staff during January 2025: Clear
snow from sidewalks, shaded garage aprons and parking areas between cars, apply ice
melt to driveways and parking areas, break and remove ice, sand icy areas, snow
blower maintenance, install handicap parking sign by 7335 S. Columbine Way, prune
shrubs, leaf collection and lighting maintenance.
The following work is planned for KVTA Maintenance staff during February 2025:
Wooden step repair by 2554 E. Geddes Avenue, additional leaf collection, cut back
perennials, hand rail fabrication, snow removal and other general maintenance.
Sewer Cleaning: I have mapped out the sewer lines and manholes in filing 4. This
completes a map of the sewer system with the exception of footage measurements
which will still be added. I have also cleaned up old hand drawn maps of which some
parts were not legible. These maps have been forwarded to DRC Construction and
Guildner Pipeline for unit cost bids to inspect and clean the sewer system as needed.
Pavement maintenance: Crack sealing of asphalt was approved as part of the 2024
asphalt contract with Metro Pavers. They will be able to do the work when the pavement
temperature is above freezing. No date has been set. The cost for the crack sealing is
based on how much material is used. The contract allows for up to 1.5 tons of material
at $4,795 per ton. The total is not to exceed $7192.50
Seal coating: Seal coating of streets and driveways helps to prevent deterioration of
the pavement surface especially in areas where pavement is not subject to heavy traffic.
Seal coating was discussed and bid by 2 contractors in 2024. I recommend that seal
coating of some parking areas, driveways and streets be considered for 2025.
Examples of asphalt pavement in need of seal coat are the parking areas by the shed.
Sand and asphalt cement which bind the aggregate together in the asphalt mix have
eroded away in parts of those lots, leaving the surface rough and subject to more
damage. Water does not drain as well from a rough surface. Seal coat can slow down or
prevent such damage. Applying seal coat to pavement is similar to painting the exterior
of a building. Both protect the surface.
Concrete replacement and repair. Every year there are sidewalk trip hazards which
need to be repaired throughout the complex. Many of the garage aprons need to be
leveled with the garage floors as they are trip hazards as well. Mud jacking has been a
good way to address many of these repairs. Concrete replacement is also needed on
an ongoing basis.
The following repair and replacement should be considered for 2025:
Align offsets between sidewalk slabs as needed throughout the complex.
Due to drainage issues and uneven sections of sidewalk, replacement of a
substantial part of the main walkway is needed at building 2801-2841 E. Geddes Place.
Replacement or mud jacking of the sunken curb is needed due to a potential trip
hazard where the walkway meets the curb in front of 7397 S. Knolls Way.
Replacement of an eroded concrete drain pan is needed in front of the garage at
2574 E. Geddes Avenue.
Swimming pool maintenance and monitoring: A decision needs to be made to either
hire KVTA staff to monitor and maintain the pools or to hire a contractor for the 2025
Pool repairs, equipment and maintenance: As mentioned last year, a simple change
to the plumbing layout for the big pool may improve flow, reduce energy costs and
improve filtration. This is something that I will check into for viability.
The pool surfaces / paint should be good for another season with minor touch up.
Repainting of the pools may need to be considered in 2026.
The thermal blanket may be good for one more season. I will need to check the
Tile at the water line may need re-grouting in places.
Re-caulking of deck joints may be needed in places.
Landscape maintenance / Sanchez Maintenance bid: When considering the
Sanchez Maintenance landscape maintenance bid it is important to keep in mind their
experience working at the complex. They have very little turnover with their crew and
are very experienced with the mowing equipment and the terrain of the complex. They
have provided dependable mowing and sidewalk snow removal services.