September 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

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Board Meetings



September 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

The regular meeting of the Knolls Village Townhome Association (KVTA) Board of Directors was held on Tuesday, September 03 at 6.30 PM. Present were board members Darcy Johnson, Margie Nowick, Tom Zukas, Yvonne Anderson and Scott Ward. Scott Ward recorded the proceedings. Board members Phil Andrews and Anne Waite were absent.

The acceptance of the June Board Meeting Minutes were moved by Yvonne Anderson and seconded by Tom Zukas. The measure passed unanimously.

A motion was made to approve the August Financial Reports. The measure was tabled due to lack of financial reports.

Scott Ward delivered the treasurer’s report inclusive of current paint and reserve

balances. There are now four Reserve accounts all at First Bank, two accounts for Paint Reserve and two accounts for General Reserve. In addition, KVTA has two operating accounts at First Bank. Two of those four reserve accounts are timed savings accounts earning at least 4.25 percent interest. KVTA has made substantial monies from this high interest rate. There was further discussion of the total of all accounts is well over the $250,000 FDIC insured limit. Yvonne Anderson suggested we look into a Surety Bond with the banks KVTA does business with. It was also suggested we look into legal counsel on this issue.

Committee Reports

Technology – Open Position

A search for a web master is still in progress. It was noted that the web master selected needs knowledge of Google Drive platform. We are looking to see if there are any community members with this specialty knowledge. A notice of the need will be included in the Back Gate newsletter and on the website.

Special Events Hospitality – Open Position

Scott Ward announced 168 ice cream novelties were passed out at the 2 September / Labor Day Pool Party / Ice Cream Social. In addition 166 Kona Ice cups were handed out. Music was provided by DJ Caitlyn, who is a resident of Knolls Village. A special thanks you went out to all that helped: Caitlyn Ann Margie Ken Diane Angie John Pat Owen Darcy and Yvonne, and those whose names were forgotten.

Clubhouse – Marilyn Heinle

No report filed.

Swimming Pool – The Pool has been extended until 15 September. The Hours of operation 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM (9-10 Adult Only Swim). A pool attendant is on site normal hours on Saturday and Sunday. During the week the attendant begins at 3:00 PM until 7:00 PM

Tennis / Pickleball – Open

Position is open.

Architectural Control – John Bringenberg

John Bringenberg attended his first meeting of the full committee. He is working with Anita Zukas and presented a report for Anita, who has stepped down from the chair due to health reasons. His report stated as of the first meeting forty-six Out of Compliance Letters were issued. The work has been completed on thirty-five of these, and eleven still need action. Soon a walk of Area 5 Paint Zone will be conducted by Tom Zukas and Greg Jordan. John Bringenberg will also accompany this inspection team.

Community Gardens – Reece and Kim

Reece and Kim stated they are planning for the end of the season. They are expecting a gathering of garden box holders.

Newsletter – Nan

The latest edition of the Newsletter was distributed on 01 September.


Cady Dixon gave a report indicating the second bush trimming is in progress. We had a discussion, with Cady, of the drainage around the Tennis Court. The lack of drainage around the courts may exacerbate the cracking of the surface. Cady confirmed there was at least one drain problem on the north side of the courts.

Warren came in and answered questions. Crack Fill is being performed as part of the Metro Pavers contract. The material is purchased and consumed on a per ton basis. This will be initiated after the contracted driveway work is completed. Warren sent an email to Altitude Athletic Surfaces cancelling the previously contracted tennis court crack fill since no work was performed.

There was a discussion of the vendor to complete the pool winterization. A move by Scott Ward and seconded by Darcy Johnson was initiated to fund the cost of pool winterization. The total set aside was $1,500.00

Homeowners Forum

Homeowners in Attendance: Ann Kingery and Ann McHugh

Ann Kingery – Ann passed to each Board member a two-page list of questions and suggestions. A discussion ensued.

Old Business

Lumen Easement – the check for damages has been received and deposited into the general operating checking account.

Technology Plan – there was a discussion that going forward the Board will need a professional web master to implement changes and updates on our web site.

New Business

It was confirmed there are two candidates to fill the vacated positions on the Board of Directors.

The Technology Plan is to move forward with finding a Web Master to employ.

The 2025 Budget was approved by the Board.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.

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